Análisis retórico de la publicidad institucional antidroga
Milena Stanojlović
En el presente trabajo se analizan los anuncios publicitarios de las campañas antidroga, utilizando herramientas de la retórica clásica. El principal objetivo es proporcionar un análisis detallado del contenido retórico y una interpretación y evaluación de las estrategias argumentativas presentes. Se ha llegado a ciertas conclusiones respecto al grado de persuasión y adhesión de los valores presentados al auditorio joven, el grupo de mayor riesgo de consumo de la sustancia prohibida. Se intenta informar y persuadir el público objetivo, pero en ocasiones se descuidan los criterios específicos que mueven su conducta.
Abstract: In the present work we analyze the antidrug advertising campaigns using tools from classic rhetoric. The principal objective is to provide a detailed analysis of rhetoric content and an interpretation and evaluation of the argumentative strategies employed in these ads. Some conclusions have been made in this work with respect to the level of persuasion and approval of the values presented to the young audience, which is the high-risk group of the consumption of the prohibited substance. The goal of the campaigns is to inform and persuade the target group, but occasionally the specific criteria that determines its behavior are being overlooked.
Abstract: In the present work we analyze the antidrug advertising campaigns using tools from classic rhetoric. The principal objective is to provide a detailed analysis of rhetoric content and an interpretation and evaluation of the argumentative strategies employed in these ads. Some conclusions have been made in this work with respect to the level of persuasion and approval of the values presented to the young audience, which is the high-risk group of the consumption of the prohibited substance. The goal of the campaigns is to inform and persuade the target group, but occasionally the specific criteria that determines its behavior are being overlooked.
publicidad institucional, campañas antidroga, retórica, persuasión, argumentación, Institutional Advertising, Anti-Drug Campaign, Rhetoric, Persuasion, Argumentation
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