María Florencia Rizzo
En este trabajo abordamos los discursos sobre la lengua como espacios privilegiados para indagar la construcción de imaginarios identitarios. Con este propósito, analizamos dos congresos de la lengua española realizados en coyunturas diferentes y alejadas en el tiempo –1892 y 1992– que comparten, sin embargo, un acontecimiento con una función simbólica significativa: la celebración de los Centenarios del llamado Descubrimiento de América. En primer lugar, estudiamos el imaginario de comunidad hispánica desplegado en el Congreso Literario Hispanoamericano (Madrid, 1892). En segundo término, indagamos en los discursos del Congreso de la Lengua Española (Sevilla, 1992) algunos componentes que se retoman del imaginario de fines del siglo XIX activando, en consecuencia, diferentes zonas de lo que designamos como memoria discursiva hispanista. Examinamos tanto las regularidades como los desplazamientos de sentido que operan en la conformación de la comunidad hispánica en cada congreso, atendiendo a sus condiciones socio-históricas de producción.
In this work we approach discourses of language as privileged spaces to investigate the construction of imaginaries of identity. With this intention, we analyse two Spanish language congresses developed in different situations and distanced in the time -1892 and 1992- which share, however, an event with a symbolic significant function: the celebration of the Centenaries of the so called Discovery of America. First, we study the imaginary of Hispanic community in the Literary Spanish-American Congress (Madrid, 1892). In the second term, we investigate in the discourses of the Spanish Language Congress (Sevilla, 1992) some components that are reintroduced from the imaginary of the end of the 19th century activating, thus, different areas of what we designate as Hispanist discursive memory. We examine not only the regularities but also the displacements of sense which operate in the conformation of the Hispanic community in each congress, depending on the socio-historical conditions of production.
In this work we approach discourses of language as privileged spaces to investigate the construction of imaginaries of identity. With this intention, we analyse two Spanish language congresses developed in different situations and distanced in the time -1892 and 1992- which share, however, an event with a symbolic significant function: the celebration of the Centenaries of the so called Discovery of America. First, we study the imaginary of Hispanic community in the Literary Spanish-American Congress (Madrid, 1892). In the second term, we investigate in the discourses of the Spanish Language Congress (Sevilla, 1992) some components that are reintroduced from the imaginary of the end of the 19th century activating, thus, different areas of what we designate as Hispanist discursive memory. We examine not only the regularities but also the displacements of sense which operate in the conformation of the Hispanic community in each congress, depending on the socio-historical conditions of production.
imaginario identitario – comunidad hispánica – memoria discursiva – congresos de la lengua española – discursos sobre la lengua. Imaginary of identity – Hispanic community – discursive memory – Spanish language congresses – discourses of language.
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