Esperanza Morales-López
Este artículo plantea las ideas más frecuentes que se debaten en la actualidad en el Análisis del Discurso, destacando críticamente aquellas que, aun con diferente grado, son básicas para el desarrollo de las dos líneas principales del análisis discursivo en la actualidad: el Análisis del Discurso con orientación más lingüística, y aquel que tiene una finalidad más comunicativa y funcionalista. Los puntos que se incluyen para su presentación son los siguientes: la consideración del mensaje como proceso, inserto en contextos diversos y con participantes cuyos roles sociales son pertinentes en la investigación de determinados tipos de discursos; la relación forma-significado en el uso comunicativo como una relación no arbitraria; la pertinencia del análisis de los géneros y su relación con las prácticas sociales; la dimensión crítica en el análisis discursivo; el discurso como práctica social y/o como realidad socio-cognitiva; el debate sobre la elección de la metodología de análisis (etnográfica, cualitativa y/o cuantitativa); y, finalmente, el grado de interdisciplinariedad en los análisis discursivos.
This paper presents the most common ideas currently being debated in Discourse Analysis, critically highlighting those which, although to varying degrees, are essential for the development of the two main lines of discursive analysis today: a more language-oriented Discourse Analysis, and other that has a more communicative and functional purpose. The points included for presentation are next: consideration of the message as a process inserted in different contexts, with participants whose social roles are relevant to the investigation of certain types of speech; the relationship between form and meaning in the communicative use as a non-arbitrary process; the relevance of the analysis of genres and their relation to social practices; the critical dimension in the analysis of discourses; discourse considered as social and/or socio-cognitive practice; the debate on the choice of methodology for analysis (ethnographic, qualitative or quantitative one); and, finally, the degree of interdisciplinarity in discursive analysis.
This paper presents the most common ideas currently being debated in Discourse Analysis, critically highlighting those which, although to varying degrees, are essential for the development of the two main lines of discursive analysis today: a more language-oriented Discourse Analysis, and other that has a more communicative and functional purpose. The points included for presentation are next: consideration of the message as a process inserted in different contexts, with participants whose social roles are relevant to the investigation of certain types of speech; the relationship between form and meaning in the communicative use as a non-arbitrary process; the relevance of the analysis of genres and their relation to social practices; the critical dimension in the analysis of discourses; discourse considered as social and/or socio-cognitive practice; the debate on the choice of methodology for analysis (ethnographic, qualitative or quantitative one); and, finally, the degree of interdisciplinarity in discursive analysis.
Análisis del Discurso; Análisis Crítico del Discurso, Análisis lingüístico del discurso, Análisis comunicativo del discurso, interdisciplinariedad. Discourse Analysis, Critical Discourse Analysis, Discourse Analysis from a linguistic perspective
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