José Antonio Díaz Rojo
Este trabajo pretende analizar algunos recursos retóricos valorativos empleados en 33 noticias sobre avances científico-médicos publicadas en El Mundo, El País y ABC entre los meses de enero y abril del 2009. Se trata de textos en que se describen nuevos hallazgos y descubrimientos científicos en el campo de la medicina. Estas noticias realizan valoraciones acerca de las aplicaciones prácticas, el interés social, la calidad y el rigor científico, el impacto socio-cultural y los beneficios económicos de los avances médicos. Analizaremos los marcadores lingüísticos valorativos referidos a la importancia del avance médico (principalmente el léxico valorativo). La valoración se realiza de forma más sutil y encubierta, por medio del empleo de enunciados monoglósicos y de verbos de lengua que introducen un discurso que el periodista asume como certero y al que muestra su adhesión, más que a través de expresiones valorativas directas y transparentes sobre la importancia médica y social del hallazgo.
The purpose of this article is to analyse some evaluative rhetorical devices employed in 33 news stories on scientific and medical advances published in El Mundo, El País and ABC between the months of January and April 2009. The texts in question describe new scientific breakthroughs and discoveries in the field of medicine. These news stories make evaluations of the practical applications, social interest, quality and scientific rigour, social impact and economic benefits of the medical advances. We shall analyse the linguistic evaluation markers referring to the importance of the medical advance (mainly evaluative vocabulary). Evaluation is effected in a more subtle and covert way through the use of monoglossic utterances and of report verbs introducing a discourse that the journalist accepts as true and with which he or she manifests agreement, rather than through direct, transparent evaluative expressions on the medical and social importance of the discovery.
The purpose of this article is to analyse some evaluative rhetorical devices employed in 33 news stories on scientific and medical advances published in El Mundo, El País and ABC between the months of January and April 2009. The texts in question describe new scientific breakthroughs and discoveries in the field of medicine. These news stories make evaluations of the practical applications, social interest, quality and scientific rigour, social impact and economic benefits of the medical advances. We shall analyse the linguistic evaluation markers referring to the importance of the medical advance (mainly evaluative vocabulary). Evaluation is effected in a more subtle and covert way through the use of monoglossic utterances and of report verbs introducing a discourse that the journalist accepts as true and with which he or she manifests agreement, rather than through direct, transparent evaluative expressions on the medical and social importance of the discovery.
Retórica, teoría lingüística de la valoración, periodismo, salud, avances médicos, discurso científico, Rhetoric, linguistic theory of evaluation, journalism, health, medical advances, scientific discourse
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