Jean Paul Ngouaba Nya
Several verbs called «irregular» in Spanish lose practically all their moot when one move from one tense to another (ser, ir, poder, hacer, querer, etc) to mention just these one. To explain these variations that present verbal radicals, Nicolaï Trubetzkoy(1980), the founder of linguistic school of Prague, had created an intermediate science between morphology and phonology called morphophonology which describes variations of phonemes into morphemes. The morphophonology analysis in verb, object of this present article, comes from some words which has been detailed by author and completed the morphological description models of Hockett(1954), Robins(1959), Mathews(1972). That means Items and Arrangement (IA); Items and Phonemes (IP) and Word and Paradigm (WP) to bring back or to describe all the grammatical factors which easy those variations.
Several verbs called «irregular» in Spanish lose practically all their moot when one move from one tense to another (ser, ir, poder, hacer, querer, etc) to mention just these one. To explain these variations that present verbal radicals, Nicolaï Trubetzkoy(1980), the founder of linguistic school of Prague, had created an intermediate science between morphology and phonology called morphophonology which describes variations of phonemes into morphemes. The morphophonology analysis in verb, object of this present article, comes from some words which has been detailed by author and completed the morphological description models of Hockett(1954), Robins(1959), Mathews(1972). That means Items and Arrangement (IA); Items and Phonemes (IP) and Word and Paradigm (WP) to bring back or to describe all the grammatical factors which easy those variations.
Morphophonology- verbs- description- grammatical- factors
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