Juan L. de la Cruz Ramos
No abunda la investigación teórica española sobre el comentario de textos periodísticos. Desde el ámbito de la Filología, imbuido de cierto deseo de interdisciplinariedad, el autor se propone aportar su granito de arena. Se procede a un análisis estilístico formal de un artículo de Julio Camba para, a partir de ahí, tratar de elucidar su manera de escribir. El lenguaje periodístico es, con frecuencia, plano en exceso. Existe, sin embargo, un tipo de periodismo de autor con evidente voluntad de estilo literario. A tal tipo pertenece, eminentemente, el de Julio Camba. Maestro de la ironía, su arte ligero, de tono menor, está lleno de humanismo.
SUMMARY.- Theoretical research in Spain doesn’t abound in journalistic text analysis. From the field of philology, imbued with a wish for interdisciplinarity, the author sets himself out to do one’s bit. A formal stylistic analysis of an article by Julio Camba is carried out in order to elucidate his writing style. The journalistic language is often overly flat. There is, however, a type of signature journalism with a clear vocation for literary style. Julio Camba’s style clearly belongs to this type of journalism. As a master of irony, his low-key and light style, is full of humanism.
SUMMARY.- Theoretical research in Spain doesn’t abound in journalistic text analysis. From the field of philology, imbued with a wish for interdisciplinarity, the author sets himself out to do one’s bit. A formal stylistic analysis of an article by Julio Camba is carried out in order to elucidate his writing style. The journalistic language is often overly flat. There is, however, a type of signature journalism with a clear vocation for literary style. Julio Camba’s style clearly belongs to this type of journalism. As a master of irony, his low-key and light style, is full of humanism.
comentario de textos periodísticos / filología / interdisciplinariedad / análisis estilístico-formal / estilo periodístico / voluntad de estilo / journalistic text analysis / philology / interdisciplinarity / formal stylistic analysis / journalistic styl
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