Antonio Sánchez Portero
En el siglo XVII, y quizás antes, volaban saetas como golondrinas tempranas por los cielos de España, de Nueva España y por todos los paí-ses hispánicos, no sólo en Cuaresma y Semana santa, sino durante todos los meses del año. Pues bien, uno de los creadores de estos versos fue el padre franciscano Fray Ignacio García, nacido en Calatayud, tierra pródiga en poetas desde que naciera en su solar de Bílbilis, en el siglo I, el univer-sal epigramático Marco Valerio Marcial. Con la trascripción de algunas sae-tas y letras de Fray Ignacio García recordamos su memoria y le rendimos un justo homenaje.
On the XVII century, or perhaps befote arrows flew as early swallows, over the Spanish sky, New Spain and over all spanish countries, not only on lent or holly week, but durant all of months of the year. Well, one of the creators of these verses, was the father franciscano Fray Ignacio García, who was born in Calatayud, prodigal land of poets since he was born on his land of Bílbilis, on the first century, the universal epigrammatic Marco Valerio Marcial, with the transcription of some saets and letters of Fray Ignacio García we remember him and we submissive him a just homage.
On the XVII century, or perhaps befote arrows flew as early swallows, over the Spanish sky, New Spain and over all spanish countries, not only on lent or holly week, but durant all of months of the year. Well, one of the creators of these verses, was the father franciscano Fray Ignacio García, who was born in Calatayud, prodigal land of poets since he was born on his land of Bílbilis, on the first century, the universal epigrammatic Marco Valerio Marcial, with the transcription of some saets and letters of Fray Ignacio García we remember him and we submissive him a just homage.
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