Miguel Salas Díaz
La raza es uno de los conceptos principales de la teoría política nacionalista. Tanto en tiempos en los que la superioridad racial era algo relativamente aceptado como teoría antropológica como en momentos en los que se rechazaba completamente tal idea, el nacionalismo ha hecho uso del racismo para justificar sus aspiraciones políticas. La intención de este trabajo es analizar la idea de superioridad racial en la obra de los principales autores galleguistas del siglo XIX (Manuel Murguía, Alfredo Brañas y Eduardo Pondal, autor de la letra del himno gallego oficial) y del siglo XX (Alfonso Castelao y Vicente Risco).
Abstract: Race is one of the main concepts in nationalist political theory. In times when racial supremacy was accepted as an athropological theory as well as in times when it was absolutely rejected, nationalism used racism to justify their political aspirations. This article aims to analyze the idea of racial supremacy in the main galician nationalist authors’ works in XIXth (Manuel Murguía, Alfedo Brañas and Eduardo Pondal, author of the current Galician anthem) and XX century (Alfonso Castelao y Vicente Risco).
Abstract: Race is one of the main concepts in nationalist political theory. In times when racial supremacy was accepted as an athropological theory as well as in times when it was absolutely rejected, nationalism used racism to justify their political aspirations. This article aims to analyze the idea of racial supremacy in the main galician nationalist authors’ works in XIXth (Manuel Murguía, Alfedo Brañas and Eduardo Pondal, author of the current Galician anthem) and XX century (Alfonso Castelao y Vicente Risco).
Nacionalismo, Galleguismo, Raza, Racismo, Literatura gallega, siglo XIX, siglo XX, Manuel Murguía, Alfredo Brañas, Eduardo Pondal, Alfonso Castelao, Vicente Risco, Galician Nationalism, Race, Racism, Galician Literature, XIXth Century, XXth Century
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