Loreto Catoira
El verbo gustar forma parte de uno de los tópicos gramaticales que presentan mayor problema para los estudiantes de español como lengua extranjera (E/LE). Su compleja conjugación y la dificultad de equipararlo semántica y sintácticamente a un verbo en inglés genera problemas de aprendizaje habituales que a menudo perpetúan los libros de texto. Este artículo examina la presentación y práctica gramatical de gustar en 10 manuales de E/LE utilizados en programas universitarios en los Estados Unidos.
Abstract: The Spanish verb gustar is one of the most problematic grammatical points that students of Spanish as a foreign language usually encounter. Its complex conjugation and the lack of a similar verb in English in meaning and structure result in recurrent learning problems that are often perpetuated by textbooks. This article examines the grammatical presentation and practice of gustar in 10 Spanish language textbooks used in college programs in the United States.
Abstract: The Spanish verb gustar is one of the most problematic grammatical points that students of Spanish as a foreign language usually encounter. Its complex conjugation and the lack of a similar verb in English in meaning and structure result in recurrent learning problems that are often perpetuated by textbooks. This article examines the grammatical presentation and practice of gustar in 10 Spanish language textbooks used in college programs in the United States.
verbo gustar; manuales; español como lengua extranjera, gustar verb; textbooks; Spanish as a second language
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