Mª Carmen Ayora Esteban
La finalidad principal de este artículo es exponer la problemática existente, principalmente en la educación, en un contexto de lenguas en contacto en el que la mayoría de los alumnos no tienen el español como lengua materna y por tanto carecen de una buena competencia lingüística. Para ello describimos la peculiar situación sociolingüística de Ceuta y observamos algunos de los fenómenos derivados del contacto de sistemas.
El marco teórico de este artículo es la Sociolingüística por la importancia que concede a todo lo relacionado con el contacto de lenguas.
Abstract: The final goal of this paper consists of setting out the current problems, mainly based on educational matters, regarding language contact. Spanish language is not spoken as a native language by a grand majority of students who, as a consequence, lack good linguistic competence. This is the main purpose why we describe the peculiar sociolinguistic situation in Ceuta and we observe some of the phenomena derived from the contact within systems. Sociolinguistics will be the theoretical frame of this paper given the importance it attaches to everything related to language in contact.
El marco teórico de este artículo es la Sociolingüística por la importancia que concede a todo lo relacionado con el contacto de lenguas.
Abstract: The final goal of this paper consists of setting out the current problems, mainly based on educational matters, regarding language contact. Spanish language is not spoken as a native language by a grand majority of students who, as a consequence, lack good linguistic competence. This is the main purpose why we describe the peculiar sociolinguistic situation in Ceuta and we observe some of the phenomena derived from the contact within systems. Sociolinguistics will be the theoretical frame of this paper given the importance it attaches to everything related to language in contact.
contacto de lenguas, bilingüismo, diglosia, competencia lingüística, alternancia de lenguas, mezcla de códigos, fracaso escolar, languages in contact, bilingualism, diglossia, linguistic competence, alternance of languages, a mixture of codes, school fail
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